Monday 15 June 2015

Elton John with Evaluation

This is the finished lip sycnching video edited by myself. I have tried to include multiple shots and most of the lip synching is synchronized. When editing the footage I used the basic format on layering all the shots on top of each other and using the razor tool to delete excess unwanted clips. This technique was easy and simple to use because it meant that most of the footage was in sync without me having to keep rearranging it. I have tried to edit to the beat, but I found this difficult because when we went out filming we only filmed from a few angles. There was not much variety so I was unable to keep changing the shot to the beat of the music.

There are some areas that we need to work on before we go out to film our final piece. The main area is the expressions on our faces and how we pronounce the lyrics. When filming this was not a problem, but when I came to edit I realized that the expressions did not go with the music. Also we didn't know the lyrics to the song so for majority of the video we kept referring back to the lyrics and we didn't sing into the camera. A point to remember when filming our final piece is to keep filming from different angles many times so that when we edit we have usable footage.  

Thursday 11 June 2015

Sonny and Cher with Evaluation

This is my finished edited version of my groups lip synching task. This was just a practice task so that we could learn how to film and edit a lip synching video. Watching it back I can see that there are a lot of improvements that need to be made when we film and edit. 

Next time we film we need to remember to make sure that the settings and the background are the same. Also the people lip synching need to learn the lyrics so that they are able to sing into the camera instead of singing away from it. With regards to the editing I need to make sure that I have enough shots to use and that I use many shots within a short period of time. This makes the video more interesting to watch because watching the same type of shots gets too repetitive and becomes boring.   

Monday 8 June 2015

My Production Team

We have three members in our group and they are Sam, Azimul and myself. Due to our small group we may be assisted with some parts of the music video and filming because it will be more efficient this way. We are also helping the other group and in return because they only have two members.

Azimul is going to be helping with the cinematography. When we go out filming he will be the one guiding us on what to do in the shots. He will also be the one choosing the best positioning of the camera so that we get the best possible shots. Samuel will be focusing on the mise-en-scene of the music video. He will be the one choosing the clothes that we wear when filming. I myself will be editing the music video. After filming I will upload all the footage and discuss with my group on the different ways that the music video could go.

The Brief

The brief that I have been given this year is to produce:

  • A music ‘promo’ video
  • Up to 5 minutes
  • Either working on your own or in a group of up to four members
I also need to produce:
  • A ‘digipak’ (Six panels) for its release on CD
  • A magazine advertisement for the digipak
In addition to our ‘promo’ video we will have to produce:
  • A critical evaluation


Welcome to my  A2 Blog. I am going to be making a promotional package for a new artist/band, including a music video. During the research, planning, filming and editing I will be working in a small group with two other classmates. I will be working with Samuel Dell and Azimul Hoque, but along the way we may be getting help from another group.
Azimul Hoque
James Chege (me)
Samuel Dell