Monday 15 June 2015

Elton John with Evaluation

This is the finished lip sycnching video edited by myself. I have tried to include multiple shots and most of the lip synching is synchronized. When editing the footage I used the basic format on layering all the shots on top of each other and using the razor tool to delete excess unwanted clips. This technique was easy and simple to use because it meant that most of the footage was in sync without me having to keep rearranging it. I have tried to edit to the beat, but I found this difficult because when we went out filming we only filmed from a few angles. There was not much variety so I was unable to keep changing the shot to the beat of the music.

There are some areas that we need to work on before we go out to film our final piece. The main area is the expressions on our faces and how we pronounce the lyrics. When filming this was not a problem, but when I came to edit I realized that the expressions did not go with the music. Also we didn't know the lyrics to the song so for majority of the video we kept referring back to the lyrics and we didn't sing into the camera. A point to remember when filming our final piece is to keep filming from different angles many times so that when we edit we have usable footage.  

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